March 12, 2020 Coronavirus Data Is Being Concealed by the Trump Administration Anita Desikan Former Staff
C. Todd Lopez, Department of Defense March 11, 2020 White House Removes Public Health Experts from Coronavirus Discussions Michael Halpern Former Contributor
__Jens__/Flickr March 10, 2020 Lunch in the Time of COVID-19: What Schools Need Now to Ensure Kids Don’t Go Hungry During a Pandemic Karen Perry Stillerman Deputy Director
CDC February 27, 2020 The Trump Administration Has Hindered Our Ability to Effectively Respond to the Coronavirus Epidemic Anita Desikan Former Staff
Chandra Oh/Unsplash February 13, 2020 Are Your Children Vaping? On Vaping and a Need for Science-Based Policy Jacob Carter Former Contributor
Photo: MarylandGovPics/CC BY 2.0 (Flickr) August 21, 2019 On Mental Health and Guns, Experts Ordered Not to Contradict President Trump’s Lies Michael Halpern Former Contributor
sauvagemartin62/pixabay April 30, 2019 Deadly Shooting at California Synagogue—Where is the Gun Violence Research, CDC? Anita Desikan Former Staff
April 2, 2018 Tell Secretary Alex Azar: We Need to Demand Equitable Gun Violence Research and Reform Charise Johnson Former Contributor
Photo: MarylandGovPics/CC BY 2.0 (Flickr) March 21, 2018 WIN: Congress Cracks Open Door for Gun Violence Research to Resume Michael Halpern Former Contributor
Photo: St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office/Wikimedia March 1, 2018 UPDATED: The Disturbing Facts of Gun Violence Research in the US Kathleen Rest Former Executive Director
Pixabay February 16, 2018 CDC Scientists Plea to Congress: Let Us Research Gun Violence Charise Johnson Former Contributor
Architect of the Capitol February 15, 2018 Congress must address gun violence safety Yogin Kothari Former Contributor
Alex Azar, secretary of Health and Human Services. Photo: Wikimedia February 5, 2018 Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Administration: The Cases of Alex Azar and Brenda Fitzgerald Derrick Z. Jackson Fellow
N G/Flickr January 8, 2018 At the CDC, as Elsewhere Throughout the Government, Words Have Consequences Derrick Z. Jackson Fellow
December 17, 2017 The Trump Administration Word Ban Extends to Other Federal Agencies. Its Ongoing Assault on Science Is Much Worse. Michael Halpern Former Contributor
December 16, 2017 Is CDC Banning the Use of Scientific Words? It's Time for CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald to Speak Up Michael Halpern Former Contributor
November 16, 2017 4 Ways to Discuss Congressional Budget Riders at the Dinner Table this Thanksgiving Charise Johnson Former Contributor
Photo: Marco Vertch/CC BY 2.0 (Wikimedia) July 7, 2017 How the Senate Healthcare Bill Bolsters the Tanning Industry’s Misinformation Campaign Genna Reed Former Staff
January 30, 2017 Thank a Government Scientist Today. Their Work—and Our Health and Safety—Is Under Attack. Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
September 12, 2016 Why You Should Be Paying Attention to the Upcoming Budget Fight Yogin Kothari Former Contributor
July 28, 2016 CDC's Efforts to Combat Zika in Puerto Rico Hampered by a Legacy of Mistrust Juan Declet-Barreto Senior Social Scientist for Climate Vulnerability
December 2, 2015 Understanding the CDC's New Report: What Are Diabetes Incidence and Prevalence? Lindsey Haynes-Maslow Former contributor
October 6, 2015 No Shutdown For Now, But What Effect Does Budget Uncertainty Have On Government Scientists? Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
October 1, 2015 Survey Says: New Report Shows Scientific Integrity at Federal Agencies Needs Improvement Gretchen Goldman President of UCS