July 12, 2016 As Congress Calls Out Fossil Fuel Deception, ExxonMobil Continues to Fund Climate Science Denial Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
January 20, 2016 That’s Not How Commerce Works—U.S. Chamber Wrong (Again) in New Clean Power Plan Report Mike Jacobs Senior Energy Analyst
January 20, 2015 Who Stands with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Climate Change? New Data Says Few (Still) Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
January 21, 2014 Companies, Trade Groups, and Climate Change: Why We Need an SEC Rule on Corporate Political Disclosure Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
January 16, 2014 New UCS Report: Companies Can Anonymously Influence Climate Policy Through Their Business and Trade Associations Gretchen Goldman President of UCS